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Strengths analysis

The VanDrie SWOT

The VanDrie Group plays an important role in the European veal chain and food supply. When performing our regular activities and implementing our strategy, we must deal with various challenges. It is important to identify the internal and external factors that affect our company, so that we can exploit opportunities and minimise threats.





Integral chain management

High environmental impact

Apply smart technology and innovation

Changing legislation with insufficient long-term vision (both in NL and the EU)

Commitment to maximum value

Relatively high level of hired-in employees

Global demand for animal proteins is increasing

Long-term sustainability of the entire chain, among other reasons due to required climate transition

Financially strong organisation

Reputation of the sector

Further increase circularity and eco-design within the chain (improving the sustainability of products)

Food safety and/or animal welfare infringements

Spreading of risk across sales markets and channels

Recalls if products do not comply

Commitment to use of alternative raw materials

Not managing to recruit enough well-trained staff

Collaborations with knowledge partners and stakeholders

Innovation takes time


Scarcity of raw materials

Highest standards of food safety and animal welfare (Safety Guard)


Dependence on global market and international transport routes