Our results
We think it is important to show what we did in 2022. You can read our results in the table below and in the following chapters, named after our strategic policy pillars.
Our market position
Maintaining a good financial position is important to us. This is the only way we can guarantee a sustainable future for our family business.
The activities of our companies have an impact on the environment and climate. Through innovation and collaboration throughout the chain, we aim to close cycles and make production processes more sustainable.
Animal health and welfare
Animal health and welfare are in everyone's interest. Humane husbandry, healthy calves, improved vitality, good transport and the prevention of stress and pain are important themes in this respect.
Food safety
Every product that leaves our chain must be of the same high level of quality. This obviously applies to both food and feed products. It is the basic standard that buyers and consumers set for us as food producers.
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