Being accountable
This is the 16th year we have accounted for our activities. One of the ways that we do this is by means of this CSR report. In 2022, we reported based on our materiality matrix. This matrix was validated once again in 2021. The designated material themes form the basis for the reporting of our results.
Definition and scope
This year, the VanDrie Group is primarily focusing on the operational performance in the Netherlands in 2022. We have included more data on our foreign subsidiaries for the third year this year.
This annual report is intended mainly as a means of providing accountability to our stakeholders in the Netherlands. The report is based on the core GRI Standards. The report has also been drawn up in line with the criteria of the Transparency Benchmark of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate.
The materiality matrix was revised in 2021: the matrix provides an insight into what our stakeholders find important. We report on this information. Due to this revision, the material issues do not yet match the indicators in the scope of the Assurance assignment in all cases. By expanding the number of indicators, we intend to report more on this in the coming years. In that same development, we are further tightening our data collection and internal control processes. Given that we operate in a competitively sensitive market, we have consciously opted only to report on our financial results and internal structure to a limited extent in this report. As such, the CSR report is not an integrated annual report.
Management and control
The Corporate Affairs department is involved in determining the content of the report and manages the entire reporting process and the implementation of material issues inside and outside the company. The content of the report is determined according to internal and external interviews as well as management reports from all companies. The VanDrie Group’s entire management team supervises the aforementioned developments. Every year, the material aspects of the business are discussed at the management meeting. Moreover, the effectiveness is considered and policy is amended and adjusted, is required. The approval of the publication of the CSR results is also decided within that meeting.
The data in this report relates to the performance and material issues of the VanDrie Group (i.e. companies in which VanDrie Group Holding BV has a majority interest) and not to the performance of suppliers, customers, consumers, etc. The quantitative details in this report have been collected from financial systems, the personnel management system and Safety Guard. We do not possess an automated information system that covers all the information. A standardised reporting template is used to collect all information on an annual basis. Where possible, the data for this report has been measured. We have had to make estimates for several indicators for which no reliable, measured data was yet available. Those estimates are based on measured data. The data is evaluated internally before it is reported. We will be tightening our indicators and thus our data collection further in the coming years. This will allow us to report on new and additional indicators in the scope of the assurance assignment in future years.
The reporting period is from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022. The publication date is 30 July 2024. 'The assurance report will be prepared by Mazars N.V.. The assurance monitors the indicators listed in the Independent Assurance Report. A separate GRI index is also included with the report. Any changes to the definitions and measurement methods compared to previous years are stated in the report, together with the corresponding data.